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21 December, 2006






The importance of realising how the other party feel. lol... maybe it just suddenly hit me that its essential to let go when you feel that the other is doing great with their lives. being happy and free among their friends and knowing that he/she already forgotten about the hurt/sadness during a r/s. re-awakening as a new individual to face obstacles in life, thats what everybody wants :) and thats what my goal for new year is LOL. time to change and be a better person man haha. All this times I been trying to change, was for you solely. but i realise the importance of changing for myself instead of others.

maybe its time I really learn how to let things go hahaha. those fond memories will forever be etched in my heart and mind. thanks for being a part of my life.

and its also important to know who to trust. as they always say, you wont know till you observe and learn from those mistakes of trusting the wrong person. haha. guess its true. well lemme tell those who wanna cross me, dont forget I can do it 10times better then you if I really want it to happen ;) . just a warning lo hahaha. I can focus myself to be very vengeful as well, if you wanna see that side la hahaha! theres always 2 sides to a person, dont force me to show the other side haha, if i cant take it then too damn bad :) never underestimate my power of logical reasoning and being observant. haha :0

for those that were there during the tough times, I hereby thank you all :) you know who you are, I lazy to type the names haha. but thanks alot.

merry x'mas all!!!!!!

/wrist :)


13 December, 2006

藉口 = 詞/曲:周杰倫 

翻著我們的照片 想念若隱若
Flipping through our photographs, thoughts of [you] are visible yet invisible
去年的冬天 我們笑得很甜
Last year's winter, we laughed very sweetly
看著妳哭泣的臉, 對著我說再見
Watching your tearstained face, telling me goodbye
來不及聽見 妳已走得很遠
[I] have yet to hear it when you've already walked so far
也許妳已經放棄我 也許已經很難回頭
Perhaps you have already given up on me, perhaps it is already very difficult to turn back
我知道是自己錯過 請再給我一個理由說妳不愛我
I know it's all my fault, please give me another reason saying why don't you love me
就算是我不懂 能不能原諒我
Even if I don't understand, can [you] forgive me?
Please don't use parting (breakup) as your request
我知道堅持要走 是妳受傷的藉口
I know wanting to go is your broken heart's excuse
請妳回頭 我會陪妳一直走到最後
[Can] you please turn back, I will follow you until the very end
就算沒有結果 我也能夠承受
Even if there is no conclusion, I can still endure
我知道妳的痛 是我給的承諾
I know your pain is the promise I gave
妳說給過我縱容 沉默是因為包容
You said [you] gave me tolerance, and silence was because of acceptance
如果要走 請妳記得我 如果難過 請妳忘了我
If [you] want to go, please remember me, if [you] feel sad, please forget me

Back for another emo entry la :). So many things happen this few days.. haha.. stressed like hell man with projects and emotions :p almost too much to handle. luckily got good friends around who are helping me. :) thanks for listening haha..

actually have alot to blog about but damn lazy to post nia haha.

P.S. I must add oil man . haha. faster forget and heal :)

P.P.S. Try as I might, haha, cannot forget everything. too much memories man. haha. But I'm already trying my best. give me credits and forgiveness if I do anything dumb HAhahahha. and no ulterior motive also hor !!!

/wrist :)

08 December, 2006

Untitled - Simple Plan

haha back to blogging la . too damn sian at home. nothing to do... waiting for work to come hahaha.. think I keep my blog updated with a cute gif. file or cute picture haha. like this then got steady stream of supporters ma hor :) .. see ... I so considerate to think of such things to perk my blog up... thank me alot man my avid readers HAHAHAHA. just crapping la .. nothing much to say..

had a really nice chit - chatting session with andy and vel last nights under the stars. star gazing and talking really can bring out the true emoticon in you LOL. haiz. back to the damn title. haha

this song has been with me since poly started till now I feel that its like the best f***ing song to describe someone when they are down and out hahaha. this song has been with me through thick and thin man, can say its more dependable then people because when I get all emo , people tell me to cut it out ! O_O!!!! at least the song doesnt ask me to shut the hell up and stop acting emo :(... but this song really emotional what haha. This song is about losing someone... although not in the same context as the song la.. choy no one will tio bang by car so easily ok hahaha.

Some of the lyrics I wanna point out :

How could this happen to me?
I've made my mistakes
Got no where to run
The night goes on
As I'm fading away
I'm sick of this life
I just wanna scream
How could this happen to me?
Everybody's screaming
I try to make a sound
But no one hears me
I'm slipping off the edge
I'm hanging by a thread
I wanna start this over again
So I try to hold onto
A time when nothing mattered
And I can't explain what happened
And I can't erase the things that I've done
No I can't

hardcore emo lol! but so damn well description. haiz what's done is done. cant turn back time oh oh oh. anyhow, ありがとうございます ベルダ ,アンヂ さん.みな がんばって!!everything will be fine after some time hahaha! must be strong :)
p.s. I thought I saw a shooting star... maybe perhaps?? haha
我后悔我没有去珍惜你。一切已经太迟了。无法往回前事。 =(

/wrist :)

07 December, 2006

Mispronunciation = Noob shit??

Woah woah woah.. my virgin post! haha! so fun! blogging .. I always thought that I would never venture into the world of blogging. But seeing MS0501 blog away during lessons or updating their daily lives on this online journal.. can say my hands got itchy haha

Ok la back to topic... In Singapore , nobody really gives a damn about how you pronounce certain words la unless your in MS or gonna be a hardcore journalist next time. I mean seriously leh... who the hell cares if you pronounce sit as "seat" when the person understands you la ... typical MS mentality to correct my lousy pronunciation like sitting on the toilet bowl to pang sai and read newspaper...hor jessica?? haha not really insulting u la but hor... aiya you know I dont really care about my grammar, vocab, sentence construction... so you all dont act all anal when my sentence like bei kan ok??? andre also... keep pestering me to correct my vocab and sentence... all of you sound like nagging ah MAs leh... "darryn dont be like a hokkien beng leh" or like andre "wah lau.. your sentence ar..." okok i admit my engrish bei kan :(( haha.. anyway doesnt mean my pronunciation bei kan means other aspects stinks ma tio bo :D

Actually duno what to blog so just start on such a bo liaos thing now haha... duno whether gonna blog more sai in the future not... so boring nowadays... and not really into politics and crap like that... lol... ok la time to go do work :D

/wrist :)


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